How Can Students Make The Most Of Their Calculators

How Can Students Make The Most Of Their Calculators

Considering how vital calculators can be in aiding learning, understanding and exam performance during these years, we thought we'd take a look at what scientific calculator options are available and how you can take full advantage of them.

Laying the groundwork for GCSE maths

Your child might already be familiar with the fx-83GT CW or fx-85GT CW, our entry-level scientific calculators.

These handsets are the ideal starting point for students who are getting to grips with scientific calculator functionality in their first few years of secondary school.

They also provide all the essentials students need for GCSE maths, including fraction calculations, powers, prime factorisation, trigonometric functions and basic statistics.

What's more, these calculators have some new features introduced as part of the recent ClassWiz upgrade. The function key, for instance, lets students store a function of x (something like f(x) = x 2 + 1, as an example) and recall or evaluate it quickly.

By removing the need to enter the full function each time they want to use it, the f(x) key can save students time and reduce the risk of input errors. Or even easily define one function in terms of another.

Exploring more complex topics and functionality

As they progress through the new and more challenging topics that make up the GCSE maths curriculum, some students will benefit from the broader functionality of the fx-991CW, our most advanced scientific calculator.

One of the biggest advantages of this handset is the Equation app, which can be a big help to students who have been taught how to approach problems algebraically, but might struggle with using algebra alone.

The app can solve simultaneous and polynomial equations, and will also present values in exact form (fractions or surds) if possible.

An extra bonus of the fx-991CW is its ability to find the coordinates of a quadratic vertex, which is useful when students are asked to complete the square format of a quadratic.

Our most advanced scientific calculator also has a dedicated Inequality app, which can help students tackle tricky problems that appear in the GCSE maths curriculum, such as solving quadratic inequalities.

It can be easy for students to misunderstand key aspects of this topic, including the notation and what the < and > symbols mean. The fx-991CW can offer reassurance by providing solutions to confirm any algebraic work and also showing the correct notation.

Utilising free resources

Whatever scientific calculator model your child is using, you can find plenty of useful resources and guidance on the Casio Education website.

It's also worth keeping an eye on our webinar page for information about various events, including the revision webinars we offer when students are preparing for their GCSE exams.

YouTube is another invaluable source of information and support. You can see what videos are available on the Casio Education channel, or simply search for the topic your child is studying, followed by the calculator model they're using.